
The Goblin's Journey | Pins and Plush

Created by Pub Goblin Trinkets

Join the Publishing Goblin on their journey through the world of Ajurea with their companion, Glammy the glamordillo! Explored through pins and plush!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Goblin's Journey Pins + Plush Surveys Coming Out Now!
7 days ago – Wed, Mar 05, 2025 at 08:44:04 AM

Hello all,

Your surveys are heading out now. 
You will have the chance to grab goodies, extra add-ons, and more.
I have gone through every early bird backer from the first project who was logged in and who also pledged here and given you Early Bird discounts if you still got the same item. For people who got a new or cheaper item, I gave you the Early Bird discount for your new item, as possible.

Otherwise, we're all set!
The new pins are taking a moment to get fixed up, but I should have the collaboration pins in hand yet today, if Fedex can figure their stuff out. So look for an update later today or tomorrow with that in hand.

While you will see what you owe, you will NOT be charged until I manually charge everyone.
I will plan to do this on Fridays each week. 

For some people, your orders failed to charge for your pledge. You will receive an email about it, and you will need to get that taken care of and corrected before you'll receive items. At a certain point in a few weeks, I will just cancel people's orders whose cards failed on the initial pledge.

Thanks all, get your surveys with addresses in when you can, and I'll see you next update!


The Pins and Thoughts!
14 days ago – Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 03:24:10 PM

Hello all,

First off, it's great that we've made it. Thanks to all those who joined me for the final hours live stream!

The gold sample pins arrived, and they are pretty cool, except for a few issues.

Something is up with the gold lines here. You can see a bit that the gold lines aren't clean. They seem to glitter, or get interrupted. This seems really weird to me, as my previous pins have clean and clear gold lines. Whatever happened here makes it look like there was chipping on the pin or the mold or something. They also whoops'd the design for the sun goblin with the whale, his eyes overlap over his glasses, rather than the other way around.

Generally I think they're great, but I want to get these little fixes taken care of before the order is placed. Apologies for the delay in getting the pins in hand because of this, but I want them to be just right for us! :)

I think the Glamordillo pins look pretty perfect though, so they're a good example of goodness to expect!

I will be working to get the surveys ready/pre-order store ready tomorrow, but stay tuned on those. If seeing these in 'person' like this made you want to grab more pins, don't worry. I'll make that possible soon! 

So for now, sit tight and I'll update when we're heading toward our surveys soon.


Live Stream Now Live!
19 days ago – Fri, Feb 21, 2025 at 04:42:39 PM

Hey all, come to the campaign page ( and hang out with me as we hit our final 80 minutes of the project, and bump up and over our goal!

Chat about the pins, tarot, and whatever else you're interested in.

Thanks for hanging!


To the Final Hours! | Our hour long live stream for the end!
20 days ago – Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 12:48:45 PM

Hello fellow journey takers,

We are on our path now to the final 24 hours! What an exciting time.

So it's with great fun that I announce we are now offering add-ons and pledge tiers for single pins! If you look at your order and wish you could squeeze just one pin from the other pin set into your order, or you just want 100 of the Glammy pins, now is your time to do so. Get at it my friends, and grab all the goodies you could ever want!

Tomorrow, the Goblin's Journey project comes to an end, but it doesn't stop there. There's a lot more to come for the Goblin, after all!

And if you're available as the campaign comes to a close, be ready to join me for a final hour livestream!!
6-7 PM MST.
See you there ;)


The Final Days! | You can still get the collab pin!
23 days ago – Mon, Feb 17, 2025 at 05:24:20 PM

Hello friends,

Because this re-launch was set for just 2 weeks, we're already (!!) in the final days.
I think we will tip over the goal in the final 2 days, and maybe even get up to $7k, which would be pretty neat. Please continue to let friends know about the project's relaunch, as it helps us regrab those folks who haven't popped over to this new project.

I appreciate you all being here, and look forward to getting these pins manufactured!

Additionally, you can still get the collaborative pin for free by pre-ordering from Aimee's pre-order store! We will honor anyone who pledges to both of our campaigns, or who pre-orders from both. So please be sure to get one of her amazing pins while you still can, I know she has limited supply to offer, they are super gorgeous and exclusive!

See you in a few days when we head to the final 24 hours my friends!